Information Lifecycle Management

What are the challenges in Information Lifecycle Management?

Information lifecycle management is the process of managing the flow of data and information throughout its lifecycle, from creation to archival or disposal.

One of the biggest challenges with ILM is determining how long to keep different types of data and determining when it’s no longer needed.

In addition, it is difficult and expensive to properly classify and categorize data and ensure data security and regulatory compliance.

Another challenge is storage costs and the need to effectively manage storage of large amounts of data over time.

Why is Information Lifecycle Management important?

Kurz gefasst: Information Lifecycle Management vereinfacht und konsolidiert IT-Ressourcen und Verringert das Wachstums gespeicherter Informationen.

minimize risk

By reducing unnecessary and outdated information, information is easier to manage and discover. The reduced amount of unneeded information reduces the risk of sensitive content being discovered (or leaked). In addition, knowing where to look for electronically stored information reduces the likelihood that critical information will be missed when searching.

reduce costs

The cost of eDiscovery and storage maintenance of information that has reached the end of its useful life or that exists as intermediate or duplicate versions will be reduced through better information management. Reducing “digital junk” decreases the overall scope of searches and improves the chances of finding important information in a timely manner. Additionally, reducing the volume of duplicate and non-value-added information directly impacts daily search effort.

Archiving, eDiscovery and records management relieve the IT and legal departments. IT, legal and business can focus more on customers and executing business strategy and less time managing information and eDiscovery requests.

Effective data governance

Information Lifecycle Management helps identify the data assets that need to be monitored for regulatory compliance purposes. ILM can bring the added benefit of improved information management across the enterprise

Lifecycle Management Ablaufschema

    Data protection
    DataGovernance Technologies Ltd, Owner: Georg Bommer (Registered business address: Switzerland), processes personal data only to the extent strictly necessary for the operation of this website. All details in the privacy policy.
    Data protection
    DataGovernance Technologies Ltd, Owner: Georg Bommer (Registered business address: Switzerland), processes personal data only to the extent strictly necessary for the operation of this website. All details in the privacy policy.